Dear all,
Many thanks as always for partnering with us on this adventure by praying. As we move from a mainly British missionary group to a more established mission based church plant, we are experiencing changes which gladden our hearts and that stretch us in new ways.
We have had two new Spanish families come and join us and some youngsters as well. Our meetings are all in Spanish as they have been for some time and this is becoming less of a challenge as everyone's language learning improves.
Due to the influx of visitors, Kevin has begun a foundation course with five people on it and several more waiting for the next one. Kevin and his team also run an Alpha course which provides food for everyone but mainly men and women selling balloons etc, dressed as cartoon characters to earn money from tourists. Many of them have lost their jobs due to the financial ongoing crisis. Please pray for them to find work and in the meantime to find Christ.
The mission groups are developing very well and some saw visitors coming along to the Christmas Carol service. Please pray for the leaders of these groups, Dave and Tom, Sally, Geofree and Caroline, Joel and Andrés.
Andrés has come to join us from the ever so generous Mexican church under Oscar Suarez's leadership. Andrés has taken over leading the youth group from Iván and is proving to be very popular, he is planning on staying with us for a year and lives with the Bartlett family, so pray for mercy for him.
So it is with excited thoughts we ask you to pray for a new venue that we can comfortably fit in. The venue in the center of Sol has been excellent in its location and facilities and something similar but larger would be wonderful.

Many thanks and God bless
(Photo of Andrés, Jasmin and the youth group)
The new blog